How Do I Find A Good Windows Installer

How Do I Find A Good Windows Installer?

The quality, design, and materials of your windows and doors will dictate how they look and function, however the expertise and experience of the installation team will determine whether you will enjoy them and for how long. Even the highest quality products can cause issues and breakdown early with improper installation. You need to do your due diligence when choosing windows installers, maybe even more so than the type and style of windows you select.

The main question here is, how do I choose a windows installer? To help you answer this question, our experts have compiled their list of tips below.


Get Recommendations

To save time on searching for an installer but yet still have several expert installers to choose from, look no further than your social circle. Ask for recommendations from your friends, family and even neighbours. Let them tell you about the quality of the service they received, if they are satisfied with the end product as well as the warranty provided. With the help of the opinion of those you trust, it will be easier for you to find an experienced and trusted installation team for your project.


Evaluate Their Previous Projects

Irrespective of the recommendations and certifications of an installer, the best way to know what to expect from the windows installer is to inspect some of their previous projects. Their previous work will give you a good idea of how their final product looks, and in some cases, you may even get to speak with a previous customer. The installer can provide you with images and references to see their previous jobs.


Take Note Of Their Location

Although location does not affect the quality of the service provided by a windows and doors contractor, it can influence cost and timeliness. A contractor that specializes in your neighbourhood or city has probably worked on similar homes to yours in the past, and know what to expect in terms of potential issues. As well, a contractor that is based in a distant location from you, may charge a higher rate than someone closer to compensate for travel costs.


Look At Their Reviews

Getting references from friends and family is important, but understanding the general consensus on the work and service provided by the contractor can only be achieved by reading over their reviews. Generally, reviews give you a clear idea of what to expect in terms of customer service, installation, and quality. Looking at the posted reviews on the company’s website is fine, but remember these are all going to be positive, and may even be manipulated or even fake. Check independent review websites such as Yelp, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and Google reviews for a true understanding of the experience others had.


Be Cautious Of Lowball Estimates

It is always nice to find out that a project will be less than you originally budgeted, but if the quote seems too good to be true, it probably is. These lowball estimates may lead to low-quality window installations and shortcuts being taken. Both of which will lead to issues down the road, and may even end up costing you more if you are forced to replace your windows prematurely due to faulty installation.

When looking for a good window installer, your best option is hiring a windows and doors company that is well known and trusted for delivering excellent window replacement. Experience and know how are really the difference between a good installation and a great installation.

5 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Front Door

5 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Front Door

The front door to your home or business influences the overall external aesthetic of your property. It is a focal point for people walking up to or past your property. Yet, despite the important role a front door plays in every home or business, many people still don’t pay much attention to it. Consequently, a worn down or worn out door can not only lead to reduced curb appeal, but can lead to efficiency issues as well as security issues.

If you are uncertain of the condition of your front door, here are 5 signs you need to replace your door:


1. Your Door is Outdated

If your front door is worn or just looking weathered, there are hard to cover scratches and just looks out of place, it is probably time to look into replacement options. A new entrance door will invigorate your home or business’s external charm. A worn-out door doesn’t just affect your properties aesthetics, over time the materials may shift and breakdown, leaving gaps which air, water, and critters pass through. This also signals to potential burglars or intruders that there is an easy access point at your home. This is a potential issue with both windows and doors, and should not be ignored. Once your door has reached this condition, it is time to upgrade.


2. You Can Feel a Draft

When closed tight, your windows and doors should be able to seal your home from cold air entering and warm air from escaping. However, if your front door is not sealing properly due to shifting or warping, it will allow for air to pass between the frame and the door itself. With air being able to easily pass from the inside out and vice versa, it will affect your home's comfort level, as well as cause your heating and cooling systems to work harder to maintain a consistent temperature during extreme weather conditions.


3. It Scrapes the Floor When Fully Open

Over time, with the frequent opening and closing of your front door, it can lead to your door sagging or shifting. This will lead to the door scraping against the floor whenever you are fully opening it. If you don’t upgrade your door on time, it can damage your floor and perhaps even costly flooring repairs.


4. Tough to Operate

Doors that are in good condition don’t need any extra force to open or close. If your front door is putting up a fight or being difficult when trying to close or open, this is a sign of potentially serious issues. Your door or the frame have moved, warped, shifted, altered shape and are now causing friction between each other leading to issues with regular operation. In some cases, this issue can be resolved with some adjustment or lubricant on the hinges, but in most the issues cannot be repaired.


5. There is Moisture Between Glass Panes

If you begin to notice moisture building up between the glass panes on your door, this is an indication that the seals are damaged and your door has lost its energy efficiency. This built up moisture may lead to mold, and other forms of damage. Depending on how your door was manufactured, you may be able to replace the glass insert to rectify this issue. If your door’s glass is not interchangeable, or if your door has suffered from water damage due to the moisture you may need to replace the door itself.