5 Signs It’s Time To Replace The Windows In Your Home

5 Signs It’s Time To Replace The Windows In Your Home

Quite often we have homeowners asking us this one important question; "how do you know when it's time to replace your windows?" Windows are opened, looked through and allow light into our home on a daily basis, yet our windows are some of the most overlooked fixtures in our homes. This may be due to the fact that over 80% of homeowners only need to replace the windows in their home only once or twice in a lifetime. While there isn’t an expiration date on your windows, there are tell-tale signs that indicate your windows need replacement.

Below we have listed 5 signs that it is time to replace your windows.

1. Noticeable Drafts

If you are standing by your window looking out on a snowy day and you feel a breeze, this means air is passing from around your windows and into your home. You can easily test for drafts around your windows with a little experiment. Get a burning stick of incense or even a candle will do. If the smoke moves around or if the wick of the candle flickers, then you know it has leaked. Drafts are a problem because they allow for air to transfer in and out of your home, on a colder day warm internal air will escape and colder air will enter your home, where on a warmer day, cool air conditioned air will escape and warm air will enter your home. Drafty windows cost you, as they force your HVAC system to work harder to control the internal temperature of your home, driving up your utility bills.

2. Difficult To Operate

When you have to force your windows to open or wrestle with them to shut, then you know it's time you have them looked at by a professional. In some cases, this issue can be resolved with a little bit of lubricant or small adjustments. But, if the issue is caused by shifting or warped frames or corrosion, your only option to correct this issue is to replace the faulty window.

3. Fog Between Window Panes

If you notice fog or condensation build up between your window panes, the issue is more than likely due to a leak in the seals. This type of failure allows moisture to settle between panes and let the efficiency increasing argon gas that was between the panes escape. If you have condensation build up between your window panes, this window is no longer energy efficient, and will allow for greater heat transfer than your other, intact windows.

4. Increased Utility Costs

A sudden increase in your energy consumption should raise suspicions, that something just isn’t right. If you haven’t just recently purchased new appliances, or energy consuming products, take a look at your windows and doors. As windows begin to break down, they lose their efficiency and their ability to seal properly. As mentioned above drafty windows will cause your heating and cooling systems to work overtime to maintain the ideal temperature in your home. A noticeable side-effect of this extra usage, is an increase in your utility bills.

5. Aged Windows

Windows, like many other fixtures in your home have a lifespan. If the windows in your home are 20+ years old, chances are newer windows will be significantly more energy efficient. In addition to being significantly more energy inefficient, older windows lack proper glazing and do not protect from ultraviolet rays, which could ultimately lead to fading and sun damage on furniture, carpets, window treatments and other interior items. New windows are available in a wide selection of styles, designs, and colours, allowing you to choose the right look and functionality for your design and usage preference.

How to Choose a Window and Door Installer

How to Choose a Window and Door Installer?

When planning for your next window and door replacement project, it is key to not only spend time deciding what type of windows and doors best meet your usage and design goals. But, to also spend time researching the contractor you plan on hiring to complete the replacement project for you. No matter how good the quality of your replacement doors and windows may be, if they are not installed correctly, it is only a matter of time before issues will begin to surface.

A quick Google search for “window installation gone wrong” or “poorly installed windows and doors” will expose you to the potential downfalls of not hiring an experienced, professional team to complete your windows and doors replacement. The question still remains, "how do I choose a windows and doors installer?" That’s where we come in! Our experts have compiled a list of 5 key tips that will help you select the best windows and doors installer for your project.

1. Reputation

Knowing the reputation of the installer you are considering hiring to complete your installation is vital. Ask for references, and post jobs you can look at. Being able to speak with past clients and even inspect some previous replacement projects will help give you an understanding of the type of work they do and how they treat their clients. Check their online reviews as well, don’t just focus on their overall rating (even though this is an indicator of satisfaction), see what people had to say about their overall experience, read the great reviews along with the negative ones so you know what to expect.

2. Rely on Your Network

Ask friends, family and even neighbours if they have a trusted windows and doors contractor that they know and have used before is a great start to your search. If there is a local installation company that has completed projects in your neighbourhood, it gives you the opportunity to inspect some of their recent work as well as ask others about their satisfaction level. If people in your trusted network are willing to refer you to a contractor they trust, this should be a good sign that you can trust them. Finding an installer from your community or that is at least familiar with your neighbourhood means that you shouldn’t have to worry about unexpected delays due to travel or being out of their usual service area.

3. Ask to See Proof of Insurance

Any reputable contractor should have insurance, this is important because the insurance will cover any unfortunate mishaps that may happen. This is not just for your own protection, but for the workers that will be on your property working. Let’s say one of the crew members gets hurt on your property or someone damages a neighbour’s home or their car. The contractor’s insurance provider will be the one to take care of those issues, without insurance, you may be the one liable for the damage or injury.

4. Warranty

There are two types of warranty you should ask about. The first is the manufacturer’s warranty, which covers the windows and doors themselves. This will kick in if there is a defect with one of the products. The second is a warranty on workmanship, this covers any issues that were caused by improper installation. The manufacturer will not cover these types of issues, so you will need the installer to back their work.

5. Experience

They say experience is the best teacher. So, look for an installation company that has been in business for some time and has seasoned installers and crew members on their team is a plus. Years in operation is the true measurement of experience, asking how many crews they have working at any given time? How many projects have they completed? and How many they have on the go at any time? As well as asking to speak with some of their senior installers should give you a sense of how much experience the team has.

When it comes to hiring anyone that will be working on your home, having a highly recommended, experienced contractor with a good reputation that covers their work with warranties and insurance is a must. But, when choosing the right company for your project, you need to also follow your gut. Hire a company you are comfortable with and have a sense of trust and report with the consultant you are dealing with.